
Carlos Alberto

Ramírez Viche

Software Engineer

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About Me

Programming student with experience in C++, C#, Python and Go with a couple of scholar projects. Committed to working as a collaborative and positive team member, contributing with my knowledge, and always looking to learn by myself.
I am very passionate about programming and my fields of interest are game development, data analysis and machine learning.


Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)

Aug 2020 - Present

Bachelor of Software engineer career focused on Computer Science

Expected graduation June 2024.

Coursework: Programming data structures and fundamental algorithms, Analysis and design of advanced algorithms, Software construction, Modeling of multi-agent systems with computational graphics..

GPA: 96 over 100



Web app built for the state institute for older adults in Monterrey. The objective of this application is to have a platform where users can create and take courses to reintegrate or keep their skills updated within the labor field.

I was in charge of the games section developed in Unity, as well as the structure of the database and the logic of the system.

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Roko Abuelitos App

Mobile and web app developed for the non-governmental organization Abuelitos ABP and the state institute for older adults in Monterey with the purpose of automate and optimize the application of test to determinate the health and mental state of an older adult person.

In this project I collaborated developing the mobile app in Swiftui, creating an Word Search game in Unity and programming a chat-bot with voice recognition and speech to text functionality in python.

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Syntax Highlighter

In this activity, my task was to create a python syntax highlighter using the programming language Go because it supports concurrency. I used a transition matrix to simulate the Deterministic finite automaton functionality. The purpose was to realize that when a large number of files are given, concurrency helps to reduce the execution time considerly.

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Basics on C++

Compilation of academic activities where a hypothetical real-life situation is presented and resolved by implementing data structures and algorithms in C++.

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Introduction to C# Programming and Unity

Aug 2022 - Sep 2022

University of Colorado System on Coursera

This course is all about starting to learn how to develop video games using the C# programming language and the Unity game engine on Windows or Mac.

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Introduction to C++ Programming and Unreal

Aug 2022 - Sep 2022

University of Colorado System on Coursera

This course is all about starting to learn how to develop video games using the C++ programming language and the Unreal Engine on Windows or Mac.

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Computer Science: Algorithms, Theory, and Machines

Sep 2022 - Present

Princeton University on Coursera

This course introduces the broader discipline of computer science to people having basic familiarity with Java programming.


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